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Atlar wins 13 G2 awards, as voted by treasury professionals
Published on 
May 3, 2023

How Tilta integrated Atlar and automated its treasury operations in 3 weeks

"Atlar is the only platform that lets us automate our payments directly at our bank partners. Not only does it solve our payment and treasury needs, but the integration was done in a matter of weeks."
Ingmar Stupp
founder and CPO


Complex payment flows required more manual work as the business grew

As a group of founders and engineers with countless years of experience in financial technology, the Tilta team had seen firsthand how complex payment and treasury operations can hold a business back as its volumes grow and more customers are onboarded. Tilta's platform provides embedded lending tools for ecommerce transactions and their critical financial operations include:

  • Paying merchants
  • Collecting repayments via direct debits
  • Reconciling incoming credit transfers
  • Managing liquidity across multiple banks

Processes that had been just about manageable in the lending platform's early days were becoming overly cumbersome as Tilta scaled quickly. Basic operations like managing and reconciling incoming and outgoing payments started to consume a lot of the team's time. Collecting repayments from shoppers and settling funds to merchants, both core aspects of Tilta's business, also required more and more manual back-office work to manage as new markets were added.

Tilta sought a partner to help future-proof its payment processes, eliminate operational risks, and ultimately let the team stay focused on growth as they expand aggressively across Europe.


Three-week integration time to automate 100% of payment flows

Tilta partnered with Atlar to automate incoming and outgoing payment flows end-to-end, from initiation to reconciliation, and simplify cash management. Needing to move on from manually processing payments, at first the team set out to build its own treasury platform in-house but soon saw it wasn't an efficient use of time and resources. That's when one of their banking partners recommended Atlar.

Tilta integrated and went live with Atlar in less than three weeks, making use of off-the-shelf bank connectivity and a developer-friendly API to get the job done faster than even the Tilta team expected. Now all incoming and outgoing payment flows are automated and all transaction data centralised in one dashboard. The team's strict four-eyes approval process has been created inside the Atlar dashboard too, enabling quick and secure credit decisioning.


Less hours spent on manual work and a more scalable lending infrastructure

The Tilta team now spends more of its time on higher-value work, confident in the knowledge that their treasury and payment processes won't hold them back now or in the future. Since Atlar already connects to a majority of leading European banks, it's a partnership that can easily scale with Tilta's ambitious growth plans.

If your business needs to automate payments or simplify its treasury processes, book a demo with the Atlar team and see our platform in action.

Joel Nordström
CEO and Co-founder

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The Atlar dashboard including features for cash management, forecasting, and payments